Collision Avoidance

Reckless to wreck less: Collision Avoidance Systems

Collision Avoidance Systems improve safety for operators of heavy and light vehicles in mining operations. Modern collision avoidance safety solutions reduce vehicle collisions via a smart antenna and a nonintrusive in-cab display to provide operators with 360-degree awareness for surrounding vehicles and selected assets. Today, sophisticated solutions offer collision avoidance functions based upon path prediction.
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belt cleaner

Aggregate operation avoids safety fines with a new belt cleaner

Maintaining a clean belt is one of the most important factors in the overall efficiency, profitability, and safety of a conveyor operation. A new belt cleaner has been brought to the market that is proving to provide excellent cleaning efficiency and allowing maintenance crews to spend time on other proactive tasks other than cleaning-up carryback. Read More

Achieving increased productivity and lower total cost of ownership in the Alumina Industry

The refining of alumina from bauxite is the first step in the production of aluminium and requires great effort in terms of manpower and energy consumption. This white paper discusses the benefits of using customised filter fabric to improve refinery energy efficiency and reduce the impact of scaling, increasing substantially liquor productivity.
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