Across many sectors, not just mining, the issue of heat-related illnesses and fatigue leading to incidents is often underestimated and underreported.
This is alarming considering the temperatures reached each year. Heatwaves have caused more deaths in Australia in the past 200 years than any other natural hazard.
While published data related to heat-related illnesses in Australian mining are limited, a 12-month study at an Australian underground mine reported 106 cases of heat exhaustion requiring medical intervention.
Similarly, studies by Caterpillar Global Mining indicates approximately 65 per cent of mining haul truck accidents are caused by operator fatigue.
Prevention is the best solution. Bodytrak is the world’s most comprehensive smart safety solution, designed to protect employees against challenging and hazardous environments in the workplace.
With the ability to provide individualised monitoring, precise data is captured through Bodytrak’s wearable device to prevent incidents related to heat stress, fatigue and noise exposure.
Using real-time data, geolocation and immediate alerts, Bodytrak acts as a warning system to both the user and a supervisor so that intervention can be enabled.
Access to automated reports via an intuitive dashboard helps organisations identify trends to improve safety practices and enhance productivity.
Utilised by customers as an essential risk mitigation tool, Bodytrak has been implemented across a wide range of applications such lone working, metal smelting, oil and gas and logistics to define new standards of safety.
To learn more, visit the Bodytrak website.