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Clearer guidelines for decommissioning in WA


The Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) is seeking open consultation for guidance on best-practice decommissioning.

The consultation is in reference to draft policy and guidelines for the decommissioning of petroleum and geothermal energy property, equipment and infrastructure in WA onshore areas and state coastal waters.

The draft policy and guideline was prepared following industry feedback received on the draft decommissioning discussion paper released for consultation in September 2022.

The draft discussion paper was available for industry feedback for eight weeks, outlining the department’s expectations for decommissioning petroleum, geothermal and pipeline infrastructure onshore and in Western Australian waters, with three workshops held as part of the consultation.

The materials outline the department’s expectations for decommissioning and provide clear guidance to registered holders on their decommissioning and rehabilitation obligations.

DMIRS Resource and Environmental Compliance Division’s acting executive director Dan Endacott said the department will continue to emphasise the importance of proactively managing decommissioning and rehabilitation throughout the life of the project.

“Safe, timely and responsible decommissioning is a key priority for DMIRS and these guidance materials outline the appropriate level of planning and actions registered holders should be undertaking to meet their obligations,” he said.

“Developed in consultation with stakeholders, they identify the key to successful decommissioning is early, detailed and continual planning, as well as progressive decommissioning where possible.”

The department will provide a response to each submission received on the draft policy and guideline, which will be collectively published in a response to submissions document.

All submitted feedback will be considered when the DMIRS finalises the policy and guideline, with submissions closing on Monday December 4 2023.

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