
Feedback sought on Latrobe Valley rehabilitation

Draft regulations aiming to provide better oversight of Latrobe Valley coal mine rehabilitation in Victoria are now available for comment.

The proposed Declared Mine regulations along with a Regulatory Impact Statement are available at Engage Victoria with the feedback period open until 5pm on Wednesday, August 17.

The draft regulations are designed to protect the environment and local communities, they have been developed following extensive engagement with key stakeholders.

Currently only the Latrobe Valley coal mines are Declared Mines. The development and implementation of long-term rehabilitation plans is critical to transforming Declared Mine land into safe, stable and sustainable landscapes, ensuring the best outcomes for the Gippsland region.

The new regulations are expected to come into effect later in 2022, with mine operators having three years to develop and submit their rehabilitation plans.

The Victorian Government will continue working with mine operators and local communities to ensure mine rehabilitation results in positive outcomes for the Latrobe Valley.

To view the draft Declared Mine Regulations and provide your feedback, visit Engage Victoria.

For details on the rehabilitation of the state’s Declared Mines, please view the Latrobe Valley coal mines information.


Editor of industrial titles and mastheads with Prime Creative Media. Publications include Rail Express and Australian Mining (web content).
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